Persona 3 Portable has a release date
Thu, 31st Mar 2011 | Posted by Ross
I am delighted to tell you that that the release date for Persona 3 Portable is *drumroll* the 29thApril. So remember to book the time off work, buy in the ready meals and teach the dog to walk itself.
To make up for the delay we will be running competitions to win some wonderful P3P Goodies. Please stay tuned for further details.
I hope I can find on the 29th April the game in the Austria-stores, thank you for a fix realease termin. =) PS: Sorry for my bad english.
@Brian I will try to find out which stores you will be able to buy it from in Austria. If you want to order it online I just checked and you can order it from
Is it coming to Spain, too??
@Sid-Rautha Yes it is definitely going to be coming out in Spain :)
I own a PSPGo, and I'd like to know when P3P is coming to PAL PSN Store. Is it the next Wednesday (4th May)?
@StriderHiryu Thank you for your interest in P3P. While I can confirm that Persona 3 Portable will be coming to PSN we have not set a release date yet. I'd suggest you keep an eye on our website as their will be an update when we have a release date.
does this game have jap dubs included?
Hallo! Firstly, I would just love to thank you for bringing Persona 3 to PAL regions (and for all the other SMT games that sparked my passion for the series). I was just wondering if this will be coming to retails in Australia? I'm fine with buying online but, to me, a great game such as P3 deserves a day one purchase. Thanks, Phi
Any details concerning the Australian release?
Awesome!! Thanks for the answer ^_^
Will it come out in Australia?
Is there any word on a Persona 1 psp game case release, I don't like downloading games onto my psp.
is it possible 2 get japanese dubs? as Dlc when you release it for psn.
Thanks for the interest everyone. @Phi @Robert and @David I can confirm that P3P is going to be released in Australia. Unfortunately at the moment there are no retailers for Australia but you can order on the Ghostlight webstore. @Dgnfly P3P does not include Japanese voice acting and there are currently no plans to release any DLC. @Ibrahim It is very unlikely we would do a boxed version of Persona 1 as Atlus already published the PSN version over here. Never say Never though and if there is enough interest we will look into it.
Disculpa pero quiero saber si dicho juego se encuentra en espanol o con subtitulos en espanol, de ser asi haria un pedido ahora mismo [Translated: Sorry but I want to know if the game is in Spanish or with Spanish subtitles, and if so would make an order now]
@Christian Lombard Unfortunately the game has not been translated into Spanish and does not have Spanish subtitles. There is however a Spanish manual if you buy it in Spain.
Pre-order :D I want play it now!!*_* Thank you for release it in Europe!! Regards from Spain :)
whoa, there are a lot of people from spain here, I didn't expected that
Dang I thought it was coming out on the 15th and was getting rather excited but now I have to wait longer. Should be worth it though